- Formation moderne de haut niveau international.
- Plus de 35 000 étudiants.
- Plus de 4000 étudiants étrangers.
- 8500 employés.
- Programmes de Double diplôme.
- Plus de 40 centres de recherches.
- Plus de 20 projets internationaux conjoints avec les groups internationaux tels que Microsoft, Apple Macintosh, Motorola, Siemens, LG “Electronics” et les autres.
- Parc scientifique et incubateur d'entreprises.
- Un grand complexe sportif.
- Complexe médical.
- Formation dans tous les demaines aux niveaux différents: Licence (4 ans); Master (2 ans après licence); Ingénieur d’Etat (5 ans); Doctorat (3 ans).
Polytechnic University in Saint-Petersburg (Russia), also known in Russia and abroad as Polytechnical Institute, was founded in 1899. In 2010 SPbPU gained the status "National Research University”.
For its more than century history the University has proved its right to be called a world-wide leader in the field of higher education. Currently it also remains at the leading positions in the rating of Russian engineering higher educational institutions. The University is carrying out education in the following areas: engineering, physics, economics, humanities and information technologies.
From the beginning Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University is one of the Russia’s largest and most respected institutions of higher education and scientific research centers. Research in the University makes up a significant part of its activity. This helped its professors, students and graduates to make a number of great inventions and discoveries. Here are only some of them:
- In 1908 the world’s first diesel submarine was built.
- In 1915 the world’s first gas mask was created.
- In 1939 the T-34 tank, which was recognized as the best tank of the 2nd Great World War, was designed by the graduate of Polytechnic University.
- In 1959 for the first time in the history photos of the back side of the Moon were taken with an active participation of Polytechnic University representatives.
- In 1997 for the first time in the world a session of a space robotic manipulator’s control was held with the help of a computer network.
- In 2000 Zhores Alferov, the Dean of the Department of Physics and Engineering, was awarded with a Nobel Prize for his work in high speed electronics.
These are only some of many inventions, discoveries and achievements that helped people to scale new highest. At the present scientific researches of the University conquer the world market of innovations.
Annually over 30 international scientific workshops and conferences are held at the University, many eminent Russian and foreign scientists, Nobel laureates, “Global Energy” Prize laureates take part in them.
Educational programs.
Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University offers a vast variety of educational programs. The University trains specialists in 49 Bachelor Degree programs and 200 Master Degree programs, 90 PhD programs and 90 Doctorate programs. The programs are taught in English and Russian languages. The students who desire to study in Russian should start with Preparatory department. This program provides students who have little or no knowledge of Russian language with the necessary skills to enter into Russian-taught Bachelor and Master Programs. The duration of this program is 1 academic year.
The University Structure
Annually there are more than 30 000 students and more than 3500 of them are foreign citizens from 98 countries. The University has all necessary facilities to get high-quality education. Over 2600 professors teach in 10 institutes of the University.
There are more than 100 departments, 120 research laboratories, over 43 research and educational centers, science park and business incubator. On the basis of University there is one of the largest libraries of Saint-Petersburg.
University campus consists of 30 educational, scientific and engineering buildings, 13 student’s hostels, 10 residence buildings, House of Scientist, sport center with swimming pool, basketball and volleyball courts, wrestling and box halls, gym, weight-lifting hall, ski resort, climbing gym and rehabilitation facilities. A modern medical complex functions at the University.
Grate to an active international activities in the University there are more than 20 international research centers that are carrying out joint research together with the companies Motorola, Microsoft, AT&T, Siemens, LG "Electronics", Apple Macintosh and others.
- Durée d’études – 4 ans.
Programmes d'études |
Génie civile |
Sécurité de la technoshpère |
Design |
Thermotechnique et l’ingénierie de puissance de chaleur |
Electroénergétique et électrotechnique |
Industrie mécanique énergétique |
Energétique nucléaire et thermophysique |
Industrie mécanique |
Machines technologiques et équipement |
Automatisaton de processus technologiques et de production |
Maintenance technologique et de construction d’industrie de constructuion |
Science et technologie des matériaux |
Métallurgie |
Technologie de l’industrie de transport |
Complexes terrestres de transport et de technologie |
Nanotechnologie et technologie de microsystème |
Technologie de fabrication esthétique des matériaux |
Mathématique et les sciences informatiques |
Informatique fondamentale et technologies informatiques |
Maintenance mathématique et administration des systèmes informatiques |
Informatique et informatique appliquée |
Informatique et technologies informatiques |
Informatique appliquée |
Ingéniérie de programmation |
Industrie de précision |
Gestion de qualité |
Analyse de système et gestion |
Gestion aux systèmes techniques |
Innovation |
Economie |
Management |
Gestion de personnel |
Gestion étatique et municipale |
Business informatique |
Commerce |
Services |
Tourisme |
Hôttelerie |
Droit |
Publicité et relations publiques |
Edition |
Psychopédagogie |
Linguistique |
Systèmes biotechnisues et technologies |
Biotechnologie |
Technologie de production alimentaie et restauration |
Radio technique |
Technologies de l'information et systèmes de communication |
Electronique et nanoélectronique |
Physique technique |
Mathématique appliquée et Informatique |
Physique |
Mécanique appliquée |
- Durée d’études - 2 ans.
Programmes d'études |
Génie civile |
Architecture urbaine |
Sécurité de la technoshpère |
Design |
Thermotechnique et l’ingénierie de puissance de chaleur |
Electroénergétique et électrotechnique |
Industrie mécanique |
Machines technologiques et équipement |
Mécanique appliquée |
Automatisaton de processus technologiques et de production |
Maintenance technologique et de construction d’industrie de constructuion |
Science et technologie des matériaux |
Métallurgie |
Technologie de l’industrie de transport |
Complexes terrestres de transport et de technologie |
Mathématique et les sciences informatiques |
Informatique fondamentale et technologies informatiques |
Maintenance mathématique et administration des systèmes informatiques |
Informatique et informatique appliquée |
Informatique et technologies informatiques |
Informatique appliquée |
Ingéniérie de programmation |
Standartisation et métrologie |
Industrie de précision |
Gestion de qualité |
High-tech et économie d’innovation |
Economie |
Management |
Gestion de personnel |
Gestion étatique et municipale |
Business informatique |
Commerce |
Audit d’Etat |
Services |
Sociologie |
Etudes régionales |
Droit |
Publicité et relations publiques |
Edition |
Psychopédagogie |
Linguistique |
Education physique et sport |
Organisation et gestion de l’industrie de high-tech |
Systèmes biotechniques et technologies |
Biotechnologie |
Technologie de production alimentaire et restauration |
L’industrie high-tech des produits alimentaires |
Radio technique |
Technologies de l'information et systèmes de communication |
Electronique et nanoélectronique |
Physique technique |
Mathématique appliquée et Informatique |
Physique |
Mathématique appliqué et physique |
Mécanique et modélisation mathématique |
Programmes d’études en anglais
Programmes d’études |
Degré |
Durée d’études |
Digital Enterprise (International Educational Program) |
Licence |
4 ans |
International Business (International Educational Program) |
Licence |
4 ans |
International Trade (International Educational Program) |
Licence |
4 ans |
Civil Engineering (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Environmental Engineering in Urban Construction (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Emergency Preparedness and Response (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Power Plant Engineering (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Electrical Engineering (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Energy Technology (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
New Materials and Additive Technologies (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Verarbeitungstechnologien der Werkstoffe (Internationales Ausbildungsprogramm) En allemend |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Microelectronics of Telecommunication Systems (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Laser and Fiber Optic Systems (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Intelligent Systems (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Smart Nanostructures and Condensed Matter Physics (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Advances and Applications in Plasma Physics (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Continuum Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Technologies (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Quantitative Finance (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
International Trade Relations (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
International Business Development (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Innovative Entrepreneurship (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Business Engineering (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Russian Federation (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
Nuclear Power Engineering (International Educational Program) |
Maîtrise |
2 ans |
- Durée d’études – 3-4 ans.
Programmes d'études |
Mathématique et mécanique |
Economie |
Droit |
Sciences Po et études régionales |
Pédagogie |
Histoire et archéologie |
Philosophie; éthique et sciences des réligions |
Physique et astronomie |
Sciences chimiques |
Technique et technologies en génie civile |
Electronique, radiotechnique et systèmes de communication |
Photonique; industrie de précision, systèmes et technologies optiques et biotechniques |
Electronique et thermotechnique |
Ingénierie mécanique |
Ecologie et biotechnologie industrielles |
Sécurité de la technoshpère |
Technologies des matériaux |
Gestion aux systèmes techniques |
Nanotechnologies et nano-matériaux |
Education physique et sport |
Energétique nucléaire, thermique et énergétique renouvable et technologies |
Secondary Vocational Education Programs |
Tourism |
Commerce (by Industries) |
Metrology |
Computer Systems and Complexes |
Programming in Computer Systems |
Information Systems (by Industry) |