- 39 000+ students, 1500 international students from 38 countries.
- 250 educational programs.
- English medium programs and Double Degree programs.
- TOP 60 Russian universities, according Forbes rating system. The University is ranked with the best marks B (BBB+) by annual Academic world rating University system: European standard ARES2014. Only 10 Russian universities reached this level.
- The University cooperates with leading Russian oil and gas, transport and service companies: Lukoil, Transneft, Surgutneftegas, Gazprom, Posneft, Repsol and others – over 190 partnership agreements.
- Tyumen city is an economical and industrial center of Russia. One of the most comfortable cities for life.
- Among the graduates are politicians, ministers, governors, heads of oil and gas and construction companies in Russia, highly qualified specialists in the fuel and energy complex, specialists in industrial and civil construction, famous athletes.
- International club of IUT (Industrial University of Tyumen) – Interclub.
- Student Innovative platform is the center of innovations development based in IUT. Any student who has an idea to raise social or innovative start-up has an opportunity to receive a feedback from experts, get a real support.
- Academic buildings and most of dormitories are located in the Campus.
- Active social life: creative clubs and studios.
- 17 comfortable hostels for foreign students with all modern facilities
- About University
- Structure
- Bachelor degree
- Specialist’s degree
- Master degree
- English taught courses
- PhD
- Gallery
- Video
Tyumen was founded in 1586. The city has many historical monuments, ancient streets and houses. At the end of the 16th century the first fortress (advance outpost) was built here, and then the church. The city is one of the most comfortable for life in Russia, rich in sightseeing.
Industrial University of Tyumen starts its history from Polytechnic University opened in 1956. With the development of oil and gas industry in 1963 it was decided to create a specialized University in the field of oil and gas.
Today the University trains over 39 000 students and 1500 international students who come from 39 countries of the world and study at all levels of education. Academic teaching staff is 1329 professionals, including 890 Doctors of Science and professors.
The university has long-term partnerships with major oil and gas, transport and service companies such as Surgutneftegas, Lukoil, Transneft, Gazprom, Rosneft, Repsol, and others – over 190 partnership agreements. Great to partnership with a business sector the students of the University can follow practical classes at the leading enterprises and find a job there upon graduation from the University. Many of these huge enterprises help to innovate all University equipment, upgrade laboratories and training center, simulators etc. The University has special laboratories of the enterprises, such as Lukoil, Rosneft, Transnet, educational program Microsoft IT Academy. A number of scientific journals are regularly published by the University.
In total, the university has trained over 230 thousand specialists. Among the graduates are politicians, ministers, governors, heads of oil and gas and construction companies in Russia, highly qualified specialists in the fuel and energy complex, specialists in industrial and civil construction, famous athletes.
The social infrastructure is rich and students can easily find activities according to interest. For sport life: swimming, boxing, judo, volley-ball, mini-football, tennis, athletics, cross-country skiing and others. Creative studios: theatre, comedy improvisation, drum and dance, fashion theatre, geographic, sport cheerleading team, vocal, choreographic studios and others.
The University holds annual International Festivals of Youth and Student, Festivals of students’ creativity, where the Institutes’ teams make performances in choreography, music, theatre, fashion, etc.
The students of the University have free entrance to museums and many other advantages.
Industrial University of Tyumen offers a number of joint educational programs with universities around the world and network cooperation in education. Students of IUT have a great opportunity to study in a cross-cultural environment in one of the partner universities to improve their level of language skills and to obtain international experience and a diploma/degree from a foreign university. Foreign students of partner universities also have the opportunity to receive a diploma in various areas of training from one of the leading engineering universities in Russia.
Graduates and teachers of the University have the opportunity to obtain the European Diploma Supplement.
Both students and university staff can take part in open competitions for scholarships or grants to develop educational and scientific potential.
The structure of the University includes 17 research institutes and the field Subarctic research facility. The workforce capacity is 1100 candidates and doctors of sciences, with three full members and two corresponding members of the RAS. Scientists recognized not only in Russia but also abroad are employed at the university. Currently, 70% of the teaching staff holds doctorates.
The University includes 14 educational institutions and laboratories in Tyumen, 16 branches, 3 colleges, a general education lyceum. There is a convenient infrastructure for students, including 50 academic and laboratory buildings, libraries, facilities for project activities, 17 student dormitories, the Centre for Youth Initiatives, the Zodchiy Sports Centre with an Olympic swimming pool.
Among the Laboratories there are:
- Testing laboratory for drilling and cementing fluids (The laboratory is engaged in the study of the properties of fluids, completion fluids, the provision of services in the field of drilling fluids, incoming quality control of chemical additives used in the preparation of drilling and cementing fluids, the study of improprieties in the productive characteristics of rocks as a result of exposure to drilling fluids and other drilling fluids.)
- Testing laboratory for water and food quality control (Sample drawing to determine safety indicators for fresh water, wastewater, soil, food, alcoholic beverages, construction and finishing materials, containers and packaging, etc.)
- Biomedical electronics laboratory
- Specialty fluids laboratory
- Laboratory of shared use
- Computed tomography laboratory
- Laboratory for modeling and design of printed circuit boards
- Laboratory of petroleum products and petrochemical products
- Laboratory for the determination of microbiological indicators of the food raw materials safety
- Laboratory for determination of physical and chemical indicators of food raw materials safety
- Laboratory for the preparation and processing of oil and gas and petrochemical products
- Laboratory of processes and apparatus for oil and gas processing
- Food production technology laboratory
- Laboratory of oil and gas chemistry, chemical technology
- Laboratory of chemical technology of organic substances and petrochemical synthesis
- Laboratory of chemical technology of fuel and oil products, methods of processing hydrocarbon raw materials
Student life is full of interesting events and everyday activities. Everyone can easily find activities according to interest. for sport life students often practice swimming, boxing, judo, volley-ball, mini-football, tennis, athletics, cross-country skiing and others. There are plenty of creative studios for those who prefer art and culture there a lots f studios: theatre, comedy improvisation, drum and dance, fashion theatre, geographic, sport cheerleading team, vocal, choreographic studios and others.
Every year students have an opportunity to show their creativity and talents during student spring festival “On the Keys of Spring” – a great way to meet new friends and achieve new heights.
There is a special project, called Interclub. Interclub unites foreign and Russian students, gives opportunities to realize their potential and take part in university, Russian and international projects. It is aimed at the development of friendly relations between students of different nationalities. It helps international students to get acquainted with culture and traditions of Russian Federation.
There are modern hostels for international students. All conditions are created for comfortable leaving in dorms (kitchen areas are equipped with electric stoves, tables to cook, laundries are equipped with washing machines, storage rooms, study rooms, gyms, Internet access) all dorms are located near training buildings.
Bachelor’s Degree Educational Programs
- Course duration – 4 years.
Educational Programs |
Oil and Gas Engineering |
Land Management and Cadastres |
Geological Exploration Technologies |
Civil Engineering/ Civil Construction |
Management in Technical Systems |
Automation of Technological Processes and Production |
Technosphere Safety |
Transport Process Technology |
Ground Transport and Technological Complexes |
Exploitation and Maintenance of Transport and Technological Complexes |
Ground Transport and Technological Means |
Heat Power and Heating Engineering |
Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures |
Construction, Operation, Restoration and Technological Cover of Highways, Bridges and Tunnels |
Geology |
Mining Engineering |
Informatics and Computer Engineering |
Business Informatics |
Instrumentation |
Biotechnical Systems and Technologies |
Electricity and Electrical Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering |
Construction and Technology Maintenance in Machinery Production |
Chemical Technology |
Energy and Resource Saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology |
Product Technology and Catering |
Applied Geodesy |
Applied Geology |
Materials Science and Technology of Materials |
Standardization and Metrology |
Mechatronics and Robotics |
Nanomaterials |
Quality Management |
System Analysis and Management |
Innovation |
Landscape Architecture |
Intelligent Systems in The Human Sciences |
Trading Business (Process management and design in commercial activities) |
Trading Business (Commerce and logistics in the fuel and energy complex) |
Conflictology |
Advertising and Public Relations |
Applied Mathematics and Informatics |
Mathematics and Computer Science |
Information Systems and Technologies |
Consumer services |
Architecture |
Landscape Architecture Design |
Specialist’s Degree
- Course duration – 5-6 years.
Educational Programs |
Architecture |
Design of Architectural Environment |
Master’s Degree Educational Programs
- Course duration – 2 years.
Educational Programs |
Oil and Gas Engineering (English medium) |
Information Systems and Technologies (English medium) |
Transport Process Technology (English medium) |
Oil and Gas |
Land Management and Cadastres |
Geology |
Civil Engineering |
Informatics and Computer Engineering |
Information Systems and Technologies |
Heat Power and Heating Engineering |
Electricity and Electrical Engineering |
Mechanica Engineering |
Automation of Technological Processes and Production |
Chemical Technology |
Product Technology and Catering |
Technosphere Safety |
Materials Science and Technology of Materials |
Exploitation and Maintenance of Transport and Technological Complexes |
Quality Management |
Technological Machines and Equipment |
Transport Technology Process |
Ground Transport and Technological Means |
Management in Technical Systems |
Advertising and Public Relations |
Business Informatics |
Government Auditing |
Master’s Degree Educational Programs in English medium
- Course duration – 2 years.
Educational programs |
Oil and Gas Engineering (English medium) |
Information Systems and Technologies (English medium) |
Transport Process Technology (English medium) |
- Durée d ‘études
Programmes d’études |
Géologie |
Sciences de la Terre |
Architecture |
Technologies et techniques dans le génie civile |
Electrotechnique et l’ingéniérie thermique |
Technologies des matériaux |
Economie |
Sciences sociologiques |