- The University of Civil Aviation was founded in 1955.
- Over 7500 students, including 800 international students from over 25 countries.
- The University possesses a new modern aircraft fleet to do the flight practice: Diamond DA 42NG, Diamond DA 40NG, Cessna–172S and others.
- The newest flight simulators: Cessna-172S, Diamond-DA40NG, Diamond-42NG, Airbus-320, Boeing-737NG, Bombardier CRJ-200, TU-134, AN-26, YAK-40, КТВ MI-8, Robinson R44 and others.
- Modern exercisers for flight operations officers: Expert, Synthesis, Alfa-3, Navigator-3 and others.
- The University offers trainings in civil aviation for students who will get high-paid and recognized professions.
- Double-degree programs.
- All international students who come for studies with “Global Education” organization get places at modern comfortable students hostels, situated in the pedestrian availability from the university.
- Interesting student’s life. Sport classes and other activities.
- About University
- Structure
- Bachelor degree
- Specialist’s degree
- PhD
- Secondary Vocational Education
- Gallery
- Video
Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation is the leading University in Russia in the sphere of civil aviation.
For half a century of its activities the school has prepared for civil aviation about 25 thousand managers and highly qualified specialists who have made significant contributions to the industry. Graduates of Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation are working for higher and senior positions in international and regional offices, associations, airline and company flying commanders and navigators of modern aircraft, air traffic control, direct the airline offices abroad, Civil Aviation representatives of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Association).
Today over 10 000 students and cadets, including over 800 international students, are studying at the University in 13 main educational programs, and over 2600 students are trained at the level of secondary vocational education, every year over 3500 students study at programs of continuing professional education.
The University has business contacts with international companies and universities, the University deals with foreign exchange programs, cooperates with universities and educational centers in France, Germany, Vietnam, Mongolia, India, a number of African and other countries.
Nowadays over 5000 graduates of Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation are top managers of the world largest aviation enterprises, airline companies and airports, over 1000 graduates are leaders of departments and air traffic control services. Thousands of graduates got Government awards and over 200 of them have been given a title of “Merited Pilot”, “Merited navigating officer”, “Merited transport officer”, 29 graduates were given the title of “Hero of the Russian Federation”.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering has in its structure 5 branches (in Buguruslan, Kranoyarsk, Vyborg, Khabarovsk and Yakutsk), 2 representative bodies, 3 institutes and 6 departments.
Today the University comprises:
-Flight technical complex, realizing flight and technical exploitation of aircrafts so that students could complete the programs of flight practice. It helps to understand and perfect the methods of flight and technical exploitation of aviation equipment. It tests the newest scientific inventions, progressive technologies and technics.
The flight practice includes 3 levels: I level – «private pilot», II level – «commercial pilot», III level – «commercial pilot» with qualification «head-down flight». For flight practice the University possesses the new modern aircrafts like Diamond DA 42NG, Diamond DA 40NG, Cessna–172S and others.
-Simulator Center of the University of Civil Aviation in Saint-Petersburg. This center realizes professional training of the students in flight simulator devices and aircraft control trainers as a part of practical classes program. The center possesses a number of complex simulators of some aircrafts, such as Cessna-172S, Diamond-DA40NG, Diamond-42NG, Airbus-320, Boeing-737NG, Bombardier CRJ-200, Tu-134, An-26, Yak-40, that are well used in the educational process
As helicopter simulators the University has KTB Mi-8 and Robinson R44.
For pilot’s training for Airbus-320 the University uses Touch Screen Trainer (TST A320) simulator. The center is equipped with different aircraft control trainers, like «Expert», « Synthesis », «Alfa-3», «Navigator-3», each of them is a sophisticated technical and academic complex.
In the structure of the center there is a procedure trainer of the class MAINTENACE FLIGHT TRAINING DEVICES of the aircraft Boeing 737-800NG.
- The University clinic with medical flight-expert сommission has flight special commission, clinical, biochemical laboratories, X ray department, department of functional diagnostics, physiotherapy and dentistry departments.
- Comfortable dormitories of Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation have all necessary facilities – kitchens, bathrooms, laundries, high speed Internet etc.
- Library stock of scientific and technical literature comprises over 600 000 exemplars.
- Civil aviation Museum has a rich collection of interesting exhibited objects.
- The University student club offers a big choice of leisure activities. Some of traditional university events today are different competitions and performances such as Miss University, scientific conferences, sport competitions and others.
Bachelor’s degree programs
- Course duration-4 years.
Educational programs |
Flight exploitation of civil aircraft (piloting) |
Technical maintenance of the aircrafts and aero-engines |
Flight management and maintenance |
Airport complexes management |
Mathematical software of control maintenance process |
Finance enterprise management |
Air security of process operations and production |
Air transport logistics |
Production management |
Human resource management |
Publicity and public relations (in transport) |
Production services |
Aviation fuel maintenance in air services and aerial work |
Transport safety control |
Aviation business management |
Law |
- Course duration- 5 years.
Educational programs |
Flying operation management |
Air navigation management |
Airspace management |
Flight electronic and illumination equipment maintenance organization |
Flight radio maintenance organization |
Organization of technical exploitation of air control automation systems |
Air security organization |
- Course duration - 3 years
Educational programs |
Mathematics and Mechanics |
Liquid, gas and plasma mechanics |
Earth Sciences |
Meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology |
Informatics and computer engineering |
Automation of technological process and production ( in transport) |
Surface transport technics and technologies |
Transport and technical systems of Russia, its regions and cities, transport production management |
Air technics and rocket and space equipment |
Navigation and air control navigation |
Flight navigation and air and aerospace technic exploitation |
Air transport exploitation |
Economics |
Economics and management of the national economy in industry |
Law |
Theory and history of law and state |
International law; European law |
Doctoral training
Educational programs |
Air navigation and management |
Air transport maintenance |
Secondary Vocational Education
Educational programs |
Transport services |
Air transport movement management |
Technical exploitation of aircrafts and engines |
Technical exploitation of electrified and flight navigation complexes |
Flight exploitation of aircrafts |
Aircraft maintenance with combustive and lubricating materials |
Technical exploitation od transport radioelectronic facilities |
Aerodrome and road construction and maintenance |
Transport management |