- Founded in 1797
- Over 24000 students
- About 1600 university staff (310 doctors and full professors and 900 Ph.D. lecturers)
- Over 130 Chairs and Departments (including UNESCO Department)
- Post-graduate courses in over 100 specialities
- Linguistic centre
- Centre of telecommunication support of education
- Specialised publishing house
- Scientific agro-biological and geographical station
- Observatory
- One of the largest university libraries in Russia
- Historical, geological and zoological museums
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, situated in Saint-Petersburg (Russia) was founded in 1797 and it is the main Russian Pedagogical University.
Besides its unique history the University is of great architecture value. Its buildings, monuments and landscape gardening are made in different styles, like Baroques, early and late Classicism, Empire style. Complex of Herzen University buildings is included in UNESCO list World Heritage List.
Today Herzen University is one of the largest universities of Russia. It comprises 5 institutes, 20 faculties and over 100 departments, the Continuing Education Research Institute, the General Education Research Institute, over 25 research centers and laboratories, 27 educational and cultural centers including the Linguistic Center and the Saint-Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation.
Total number of scientific publications is over 60 000, over 1600 teaching stuff, over 1000 professors and Doctors of Science. Outstanding scientists, academicians, corresponding members of Russian Academy of Science, members of various international Academies, Honored Scientists and Artist work at the University.
The University prepares bachelors, master and post graduates in different spheres of pedagogical education and science. The University teaches specialists in the spheres of geography, biology, chemistry, tourism, physics, informatics, mathematics, astronomy, foreign languages and linguistics, history, social sciences, pedagogics, phycology, political science, economics, law, philosophy, cultural science, music, fine and applied arts, global art culture, physical science, sport and many others.
Today Herzen University is a recognized world scientific and educational center. It has contract relations with over 140 foreign universities and educational centers in 38 countries of Europe, Asia and America.
At present the University is carrying out a number of projects with participation of international organizations, such as United Nations, UNESCO, The Council of Europe, European Parliament, European Commission, The Nordic Council of Ministers in Saint-Petersburg, American Councils for International Education
The University is involved in a number of projects supported by international foundations, such as Fulbright, IREX, INTAS, Carnegie, Tempus, and Ford. The university works on joint projects with the universities of Geneva, Basel (Switzerland), Tubingen, Konstanz, Humboldt University in Berlin, universities Paris IV Sorbonne, Paris V, Paris VIII (France), the Innovation Research Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy, the Innovation Research Institute of Edinburgh University (Great Britain), Princeton University in the USA and others
Many innovative scientific research results traditionally earn international awards at international and Russian workshops.
Many foreign students choose this University to study. Foreign graduates of Herzen University have key positions in policy, culture, education and in international organizations activities.
According to the «QS World University Rankings: BRICS», published in 2014, the University takes leading positions in TOP- 140 BRICS universities.
The University Structure.
Having a rich history and being one of the largest universities of the country, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia has a big number of structural units. It includes faculties, departments, research institutes, educational and cultural centers, institutes and laboratories.
To retain strengthening of friendly ties between countries, the University has created cultural centers, among them Chinese cultural Center.
A special employment center helps graduates to start their professional career.
The University Fundamental library is the oldest and the largest university libraries in Russia. It is a great contribution to scientific, research and pedagogical activities of the University.
The Museum of History of the University was founded in 1974.
The University houses Student Scientific Society created to develop students’ scientific potential and cultural center.
Student’s recreation center holds many cultural events to make students’ life more interesting. The University disposes concert and rehearsal halls and dancing studio.
Student’s recreation center organizes different fairs, workshops, career fairs, international seminars, conferences, concerts and university games and competitions. The University theatre is popular with students.
Typographic and publishing activities are well developed at the University. A number of newspapers and journals are published with students’ participation.
The University Sport Center offers different kind of sports, like football, chess, table tennis, orienteering and many others.
For foreign students there are students’ hostels.
Bachelor degree programs
- Course duration-4 years.
Educational programs | |
Psychology and Pedagogy |
Pedagogy |
Social Pedagogy |
Psychology |
Practical Psychology in Education |
Clinical Psychology |
Social Work |
Law |
Law |
Legal Education |
Economics |
Economics |
National Economics |
Economics and Law |
Management of organization |
Management |
State and municipal management |
Management of organization |
Management of staff |
Philology |
Philological education |
Foreign languages |
English, German, French, Spanish and other Foreign Languages |
Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures |
Translation Studies |
Social Sciences |
History |
Political Sciences |
Sociology |
Religious Studies |
Human Philosophy |
Philosophy |
Culturology |
Public Relations |
Fine Arts |
Fine and Applied Arts Education |
Computer Graphic Art |
Graphic Art |
Art of painting |
Music |
Musical art |
Musical folklore |
Music education |
Mathematics |
Mathematics |
Mathematical Education |
Computer science |
Physics |
Physics |
Physical Education |
Computer science |
Chemistry |
Chemistry |
Chemical Education |
Life Safeguarding |
Life Safeguarding |
Geography |
Geography |
Geographical Education |
Local Studies and Tourism |
Political Geography |
Geoecology |
Biology |
Biology |
Biological Education |
Institute of Natural Sciences |
Ecology |
Natural Science Education |
Physical Culture |
Physical Culture and Sport |
Technology and Enterprise |
Technological Education |
Technology and Management |
Correctional Pedagogy |
Education of Mentally Handicapped |
Education of the Blind |
Speech Correction |
Education of the Deaf-mutes |
Special Psychology |
Institute of Childhood (Pre-school Education) |
Pre-school Pedagogy and Psychology |
Pedagogy and Methods of Pre-school Education |
Institute of Childhood (Primary School Education) |
Pedagogy and Methods of Primary School Education |
Russian as a Foreign Language |
Philological Education (Russian as a Foreign Language) |
Master degree programs
- Course duration - 2-2,5 years.
Educational programs | |
Faculty of psychology and pedagogy |
Psychology of Informational Systems
Psychological Support of Various Groups of People (network) |
Psychological Counseling |
HR Psychology |
Social Work |
Teacher Education |
Youth Education |
Higher Education |
Spiritual and Moral Education |
Monitoring of Quality of Education |
Adult Education |
Pedagogy of Distant Educational Interaction |
Social and Pedagogical Technologies of Development of Reading Skills |
Comparative Education |
State Education Management (network) |
Psychology and Pedagogy Education |
Faculty of information technologies |
Technology and Management of E-learning |
Information Technology in Education |
Corporate E-learning Training (network) |
Information Systems and Technology |
Institute of economics and management |
Project Management in Education (network) |
Education Management |
Management for Small Business |
Human Resources Management |
Project Management |
Management in Sport |
Strategic Management |
Legal Framework of Business Activity |
State and Municipal Management |
Economics |
Economics and Management in Service Industry (network) |
Teacher Education |
Faculty of technology and entrepreneurship |
Teacher Education |
Faculty of law
International Public Law, European Law |
Criminal Law, Criminology, Criminal-Executive Law |
Civil Law, Family Law, International Private Law |
Criminal Procedure, Criminology and Forensic, Theory of Investigation |
Legal History, History of Political and Legal Theory |
Constitutional Law, Municipal Law |
Mediation in the System of Civil Legal Education (network) |
Faculty of fine arts |
Painting |
Drawing |
Applied and Decorative Arts |
Design and Computer Graphics |
Management in Arts and Art Education |
Regional Cultural Tourism (network) |
Arts |
Management in Educational Tourism and Arts |
Institute of music, theatre and choreography |
Musical and Instrumental Art |
Vocal Art |
Teacher Education |
Management in Music and Education |
Music Psychology in Education |
Music Education |
Music and Computer Technology in Education |
Theory and Practice of Vocal Art |
Theory and Practice of Musical and Instrumental Art |
Theory and Practice of Variety and Jazz Art |
Choreography in Education |
Humanitarian Technology in Music and Education (network) |
Faculty of human philosophy
Philosophy |
Teacher Education |
Cultural Studies Education |
Pedagogical Anthropology |
Pedagogical Studies of St. Petersburg |
Theory and Practice of General Education in Polycultural Society (network) |
Faculty of philology
Information Technology in Philological Education |
Linguoculturological Education |
Language Education |
Literature Education |
Technology of Philological Education |
Applied Philology in Educational Environment (network) |
Institute of foreign languages |
Foreign Languages in the Context of Modern Cultures- English language, German, Spanish and French languages |
Teaching Techniques in Linguistic Education |
Linguistics |
Contemporary Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (English language) |
Translation Practice and Didactics (English Language) |
Faculty of Russian as a foreign language |
Professional communication in international business cooperation |
Teacher Education |
International communication |
Faculty of life safety |
Environmental Safety |
Education in Life Safety |
Life Safety in the Information Environment |
Prevention of Social Deviations (Preventology) |
Road and Transport Safety (network) |
Social Safety in Urban Environment (network) |
Faculty of biology |
Ecology and Natural Resources Management |
Biology |
Faculty of geography |
Educational Tourism (network) |
Ecological and Geological Education |
Geographical Education |
Ecology and Natural Resources Management |
Eco-geology of Natural, Man-made and Social and Cultural Environment (network) |
Geography |
Faculty of mathematics |
Teacher Education |
Faculty of physics |
Physics |
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics |
Condensed Matter Physics |
Nanostructure Physics and Nanoelectronics (network) |
Faculty of chemistry |
Chemistry |
Faculty of social studies |
Social Science |
Political Science |
Religious Studies |
History |
Faculty of special education |
Special (Speech Pathology) Education |
Psychological Support of Education for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities |
Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation of Persons with Special Health Problems |
Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Infants and Preschool Children with Developmental Disorders |
Education for Children with Intellectual Disabilities (network) |
Education for Children with Intellectual Disabilities |
Education for Visually Impaired and Blind Children |
Psychology and Pedagogics of Inclusive Education |
Speech Therapy for Children with Speech Disorders |
Education for Hard of Hearing and Deaf Children |
Institute of childhood |
Primary Language Education and Speech Development of Children Speaking Another Language |
Quality Management of Primary Education |
Family Tutorials |
Development of Children’s Creativity in Multi-artistic Educational Environment |
Methodical Support in Early Childhood Education |
Intensive Foreign Language Training for Children |
E-learning in a Primary School |
Examination of the Quality of Early Childhood Education (network) |
Early Foreign Language Education in the Sphere of Intercultural Communication (network) |
Psychological and Pedagogical Education |
Faculty of physical education |
Teacher Education |
Institute of the people of the north |
Teacher Education |